Disciples of Deceit

War rampages through the world of Verra. Grengar, masters of magical and technological innovation are decades into conflict with Zola, splicers of arcana and nature. Their battlefield is the vast expanse of the Norlix Sea, an ocean home to much more than war. Denizens thrive on the isles, facing their own unique struggles. But that is not all that lies in the waves. Ancient gods are sleeping, waiting for their return. And one by one they reach out.

A New Fantasy Audio Drama

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The Allbright

This audio drama explores the perspective of Zola. A new group of Zolan cadets train, bonding themselves to gigantic manufactured beasts, in a hope to turn the tide. Egos clash as they compete for the top assignment, the chance to search for an ancient divine artifact. However, the divinity within proves to be unpredictable, leading the chosen cadet down a path they could never have anticipated.

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In the Works…

One Eye Open

In the heart of the Norlix Sea, lies an island, Egona. A young vagabond twists his way through shady deals, and rash decisions. Voyaging between the lavish city of Karbo and the ruins of the Volstrin Forest, he uncovers a mystery of the past. But he is not the only one on the hunt. Thieves, serpentfolk, and divine factions all stand in his way. Yet step by step, he draws closer to a fallen god, until he is forced to face his fate.